Summer Sunderland

Bringing 25 years of experience as a licensed therapist to your inner journey. Going beyond trauma informed to trauma experienced. Expanding beyond mental health to body, mind, spirit healing and wellness!

May the Force Be Within You



Are You Yearning For:

🌀Compassionate Support and Wise Guidance on your inner journey!

🌀Genuine inner joy, greater aliveness, and DivineWildGlow!

🌀Reconnecting with your Inner Compass and Intuition!

🌀Releasing and transforming all that isn’t really you, such as old pain, stress, and trauma in your body, and old conditioning that no longer serves you!

🌀Embracing and reintegrating all this is really you, such as aspects of your true Self you learned are unwanted, unworthy, not enough, or too much!

🌀Giving yourself Wild Permission to Trust YourSelf!

🌀Being truly Empowered to make conscious choices as the creator of your most beautiful life!

🌀Claiming your worthiness, come what may!

🌀Living aligned with your purpose!

🌀Going beyond mental health to mind, body, spirit healing and wellness!

Are you ready to deep dive into your inner journey and shadowwork? I help people go through their inner journeys safely to become empowered, trust themselves, connect with their intuition, live aligned with their purpose, and feel genuine joy and aliveness!

Are you ready to go beyond where you have been and into what’s possible! It is possible for all that is truly you to alchemize into an amazing partnership of DivineWildFlow.

Each one of us that heals deeply creates ripple effects of healing. Humanity can level up, and each one of us can help! Are you the 100th monkey?



Healing Journey Tools


“When we are brave enough to explore the darkness, we discover the infinite power of our Light.” ~ Brene Brown

“To disidentify from your pain body is to bring presence into the pain and thus transmute it.” ~ Eckhart Tolls

Embrace All of You

All of You, All of You

“Come Into the Light”

“Open your eyes, what do you see?”

“I see me. All of Me.”

~ Mirabel from Encanto

Wild Permission

Give yourself Wild Permission to listen to your own inner compass, trust yourSelf, and create your own best life!

“What could I do if I knew it didn’t need to be perfect. It just needed to be?” ~ Isabela from Encanto

Inner Compass

“Eventually you’ll learn that every time you trust your own internal navigation system, you end up closer to your right life. By reading these compasses, you can continue the journey toward your own North Star even during times (and there will be many) when you feel blind and lost.” ~ Martha Beck

Do you ever wonder,
In the wild
Whisper of your soul
Whether to wait, or to move,
To stay, or to fly?
Sing, child, sing!
Dance, child, dance!
Your rhythm is NOW!
Unfurl your wings.
You’ve got this

-Barbara Gail (Copyright 2022).

Transformation IN to Your True Essence:

“Did you know the enchanted forest is a place of TRANSFORMATION? I can’t wait to see what it is going to do to each one of us!” ~ Olaf from Frozen 2

DISCOVERING who you really are instead of who you were told you are or should be. Being CURIOUS about who we are NOW.

Come What May

Come What May is a fierce inner decision to walk through whatever fires, dive to whatever depths, and climb whatever mountains needed to reach our chosen destinations. Doors open when we really mean this.

Inner GPS

Our inner GPS guides our way ONCE we have programmed a clear destination into it. We do this this by daring to make choices between competing desires, ordering our priorities, and learning from what happens. Until we do that, it’s like trying to program multiple destinations into a GPS at the same time. The GPS won’t know which way to send you.

Wave Running

Waverunning is my signature healing process that works with release of trauma and pain energy at the layer of our deep inner core. Old pain energy is naturally released one wave at a time. I help you learn to do this process yourself, so that you are not dependent on healers to do it for you. It is usually necessary to have live support as you’re learning it.


Shadowwork is not actually all work. When we bring playfulness, laughter, and wonder into the process and into our lives, more magic happens.

Power of Now

Bringing our presence and awareness into this present moment in a process of ongoing discovery and transformation. Cultivating more presence with more layers of ourselves and others as we go through life.

Direct Experience

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” from a plaque a client gifted me. Discover for yourself.


Bringing our awareness INto our bodies in the present moment is one of the golden keys to transformational healing! The body keeps the score. We can only go so far in our healing journeys in the mind/mental realm.

Soul-led Life

Note: If the word soul doesn’t resonate for you, I honor that and I’m happy to work with whatever words and concepts resonate for you!

Choosing to live life on your own terms! Choosing to listen to and trust your own inner compass and inner knowing more than what outer “authorities” tell you. Choosing your own higher self, the aspect of your soul that is connected to source, to be your Lighthouse, illuminating the way for you. Creating an effective partnership between your human and your soul to COCREATE here. Becoming a SOVEREIGN being!


AND what else is also true! AND what other layers are there to discover and integrate into a more complete whole? AND what more is possible?


let’s connect!