We Rise Together

Are You the 100th Monkey?

Are you the one who might create a tipping point in the collective consciousness?


Never underestimate the power and impact of the ripple effects of your individual healing journey!


Some of the fiercest warrior souls came here and took on some of the most heavy and traumatic energies to finally transmute them. There has been a giant hot potato game going on in humanity with old pain energy getting passed from person to person and generation to generation. We have lost touch with our ways to release trauma and pain energy safely. We have been told to move on, forget about it, it’s in the past. However, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. The body keeps the score, and those energies of pain, stress, and trauma get stuck in our bodies. If we don’t heal and transmute those energies in this lifetime, they inevitably get passed to someone else, no matter how much we are trying to never pass it. Fortunately, there are safe ways to release and transmute those energies back to neutral energy and stop the madness of this hot potato game.

Audacious Hope

I choose to live my life from a place of audacious hope that a more just, loving world is possible. I don’t know what is actually possible on a collective level, but I do know I will not regret planting whatever seeds I can for a better world to see which ones might grow. It is worth trying for me, come what may.

I Wonder What Is Possible

I believe we are all connected by a collective consciousness and that each individual both affects and is affected by the collective consciousness. It is plausible that if enough individuals raise their level of consciousness/frequency, it’s possible for there to be a TIPPING POINT where the collective consciousness is leveled up in a significant way to a new place. I believe this is a way for humanity to evolve to a more just, loving level of consciousness. So every person who is doing our healing work is influencing the overall collective. The old pain energies are heavy, they have been accumulating for generations, and they are weighing down the collective consciousness. As we release, it’s like dropping sand bags off a hot air balloon, allowing it to rise higher. We never know which sand bag will be the one that allows us to get past a threshold to a new altitude of possibilities. We never know if we will be the one who is the equivalent of the 100th monkey, where we go from very gradual one person at a time progress to a jump in the collective consciousness where humanity moves into a more evolved level of consciousness. I suspect that is what it will take for humanity to level up to a better place.

The 100th Monkey Effect

The concept of the 100th monkey effect offers one lens for more hope for humanity as a species to level up and evolve to a more just, loving, wise place. There is, of course, a lot of debate about the legitimacy of the 100th Monkey Effect due to it being beyond our current scientific understandings of how things work. For me, whether what was observed in the original research was an example of a tipping point being reached in the collective consciousness of the monkeys or not, it is a useful and hopeful concept. The overall concept makes sense to me and is in keeping with my direct experiences with my own and others’ level ups in consciousness. It helps to remind us to be in a state of wonder about all the mysteries we have yet to comprehend and the interconnected web we all exist within. I believe it serves us to maintain an open mind so new ways of understanding can come in.

The concept of the 100th Monkey Effect is based on research observations made of Japanese Monkeys in the early 1050s. The scientists provided the monkeys, who lived on the island of Kojima, with sweet potatoes and wheat and observed what the monkeys did with them. One monkey figured out a more effective method of washing them in the stream or ocean. The researchers observed what they would have expected at first, with the new method spreading gradually from one monkey to another. The report is that they then observed something unexpected, where once a certain critical mass of monkeys, the 100th monkey, learned the new behavior, suddenly all the monkeys started using the new method all at once. The reports are that the monkeys in nearby islands also starting using the new method once that critical mass was reached on the original island.


Watson first published the story in a foreword to Lawrence Blair‘s Rhythms of Vision (1975);[6] the story then spread with the appearance of Watson’s 1979 book Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious.