my story


My Story

Note: I use my own spiritual concepts when sharing my story. When working with people, I honor what concepts resonate for you, which may be very different than mine. I honor that we all have our own ways of interpreting our experiences and making meaning.

Come What May

Sometimes a giant old pine tree falls on your house while you’re getting divorced during a pandemic; while you’re working an intense job and single parenting; while you’re in such a financial panic that you’re rationing milk and making your own bread. AND you keep healing and awakening anyway. You keep following each next inner breadcrumb and taking each next step along your soul’s path anyway. Come What May. I wonder what your come what mays are?


I chose to deep dive into my healing journey. I decided to heal every drop within myself that was out of alignment with my highest self and path. I never wanted to repeat the same patterns again. I wanted to transform those patterns for myself and for my daughter. I believed I could do it.

My therapist at the time basically laughed at my lofty goals. She didn’t believe it was possible. Our current healing systems promise both too much (quick fixes) and too little (genuine inner transformation).

I have learned first hand with both my own and other’s healing that much more IS possible. It is possible to release all the old pain energy and reclaim all of our true self. It is possible to connect with our inner compass to be guided to joy, aliveness, peace, and purpose!

Spiritual Awakening

I decided I would walk through every fire and dive into every deep dark place needed to heal as much as possible. Come What May. A funny thing happened on the way to deep healing; a spiritual awakening. I did not see that coming! I had to google the firehose of spiritual experiences that started happening to find out what the heck was happening. I now understand that when we heal deeply enough, it ignites spiritual awakening for those souls choosing to awaken this lifetime. I recognize in retrospect that I had my first layer of spiritual awakening in my early 20s. There was no internet back then, so I just experienced it without knowing what it was. I believe that one allowed me to connect with and follow my career calling, which was a big part of this life’s purpose. I can also see now that it was crucial to follow that path to be able to gather the pieces I needed for this next phase to be able to support and guide others through their own inner journeys through transformation and into awakening.

Soul Led Life

My husband left in a sudden and traumatic manner, and I was devastated. My family was everything for me. While I was broken open and could not see any tangible safety net under the trapeze of my life, I chose even more deeply to live a soul led life; daring to trust my inner compass and consciously create my own life. Not because I was sure it would be best. Not because it wasn’t scary. I chose that because that’s how I want to live this lifetime, come what may.

I navigated my divorce with no lawyer and no human help. My parents are like bird parents. They fed us and cared for the basics while in the nest, and then it was time to fly and be independent, no matter what. Getting divorced was no exception. During that time, I was walking by a necklace hanging up, and I felt a pull to use it as a pendulum. I hadn’t used one in decades. I consider a pendulum to be a way for my higher self and guides to communicate with me when I can get my mind and emotions out of the way. I am big on setting protections when I connect spiritually in any way. I am clear that I am only willing to communicate with my higher self and guides; only beings or energies of a very high vibration who want the greatest good for me and for all. I navigated my divorce with only guidance from my pendulum, setting conscious intentions, and my own logic.

So I’m not kidding when I say I’m living a soul led life. I did a soul led divorce, where the most precious thing was at stake; my daughter’s well being. I believe having a lifetime where I have had to be independent helped me learn to be empowered to trust my own inner compass. I’ve had to use it a lot, which helped me learn that it is capable. My strong inner compass also serves me well in my work! It helps guide me in how to help with each person’s unique inner journey!

My Path

Everyone’s journey is unique. I have benefited greatly from learning from various spiritual paths and teachings. I honor each person’s spiritual path. For me personally, shamanic journeying was an important part of this stage of my journey. Modern shamanic journeying offers ways of connecting to our own spiritual guidance based on core practices that have been passed down for thousands of years. I started journeying spontaneously while I was doing healing sessions with myself. I was then fortunate to be able to join some training and a journeying circle. I also found my own ways of journeying through my own spiritual guidance. I believe strongly in having my own direct spiritual experiences and receiving my answers for my path directly in my own ways of connecting spiritually. I received a clear spiritual message of, “You have a strong inner compass. You just need to use it.” That was not the comforting and hand holding I wanted while I was feeling gutted, but that is often how my spiritual guides are. I was also told I am meant to “blaze my own path” this lifetime. I don’t find it easy or cozy. It feels scary to my human mind to rely upon my higher self for major life decisions that can actually affect my safety and security. It requires being empowered enough to dare to make choices that take me beyond surviving to thriving. Other people can tell us how to survive. The answers on how to thrive must come from within.

Inner GPS

The biggest things that allowed my healing journey to go beyond what seemed possible was CHOOSING to set my INNER GSP to the LIGHTHOUSE GOAL of healing every drop possible, COME WHAT MAY, making time to do inner work, and trusting my process and guidance. It was my path to do most of this journey on my own, rather than working with therapists or other healers. I did a lot of work myself with skills I had acquired through my life’s work with healing, and I received multiple spontaneous spiritual healings directly from spirit where I experienced dramatic inner transformations. I am excited to discover what is possible for you!


The WaveRunning process I have developed started with a particularly intense spiritual healing. While journeying, I was taken to the void, and I realized I could ask for something. I wanted to be wise with my choice, and I asked, “What should I ask for?” I heard clearly “Healing for you and your people.” I asked for that, and then I was instantly back in my body experiencing a healing where I was literally writhing on the floor from the intensity. Over time, I refined how to do it more gently. I have found it to be very helpful for clients who are ready for this layer of healing. I have come to understand it within the many other puzzle pieces I have gathered about healing in my lifetime. It’s clear, in retrospect, that I felt compelled to keep gathering puzzle pieces until they fit together into a picture of how to guide the process of deep inner transformation and awakening.

As I experienced more layers of my awakening, more of my spiritual gifts began to appear. My way of thinking about them is that I believe my higher self has a bunch of cool spiritual skills, and she shows up with them as needed. I have had enough confirmation to know it’s real and helpful.

Soul Alchemy

After more layers of my awakening, I experienced alchemizing what I call my human and my soul into a sum greater than their parts. A true inner joining. I received a message that humanity is evolving into this new capacity. It is a step beyond an effective partnership between our human and our soul. It is a step beyond transcending our humans and blissing out with our higher selves. Once alchemized, we are experiencing our souls AND our humans fully at the same time. We still feel all the emotions that are part of the human experience. However, the human is different once alchemized with the soul. The inner emptiness and hunger we feel compelled to keep refilling is gone. The inner feelings of not being enough and needing constant validation from others or even ourselves is gone. There is an inner trapeze of joy and love available when we drop into ourSelves. It is having the capacity to feel it all and be okay. It is our humans welcoming in our souls and our souls coming ALL IN on the human experience. Daring to feel it all, daring to make choices and cocreate! It is the capacity and choice to be more fully ALIVE!

“Alive… That’s worth a lot!.” ~ Eurydice, HadesTown

Ever Evolving Barefoot Mystic

I am still learning, growing, evolving, and leveling up. Feeling it all is a lot, and I’m a hot mess sometimes. I have discovered that our souls feel more than our humans do, so opening to the intensity of that is a process. I do not have all the answers. No one does. The very concept of “the” answers is a false construct, as if there is one right answer. This realm is much more complex and layered than that! We have been oversimplifying things. We each get our own right answers, and then they shift as we get new layers to them. I will continue to explore and discover more layers and deeper understandings forever. That is my nature. I’m also so honored and excited to explore each person’s next right answers and layers while I partner on their journey with them.

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